Historic Environment Scotlan's logo and name being carved into stone by a stonemason.

We have just published our very first Historic Environment Scotland Corporate Plan, setting out our vision and mission for the next three years.

For All Our Futures

To give you a taster, we made this short video explaining how we plan to ensure Scotland’s historic environment is cherished, understood, shared and enjoyed with pride, by everyone.

As you can see, Historic Environment Scotland works all over the country, doing all sorts of work from the Shetland Isles to the Scottish Borders.

We carry out our own research, but also fund others to do theirs. We keep written and visual records of Scotland’s history, but also help local community groups to create their own.

We keep traditional skills like stone carving alive, but also train people in new skills like 3D laser scanning.

Share your #HESstory

Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing the individual stories of some of the staff featured in this video, hearing directly from them about the different ways they work to care for, protect and promote the historic environment.

From an Aerial Photographer to members of the Orkney Ranger Service, they’ll each share their own personal #HESstory.

We’d love to hear from you, too.

Tell us what you thought of the video, what you’d like to see us do more of, or share your personal #HESstory – in the comments below, on Twitter @HistEnvScot, or Facebook.


About Author


Ali George

Ali works in our Digital Team coordinating our social media and blog content. She enjoys helping our expert staff across the country tell their stories in new and interesting ways.