Our Authors

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    Adam Florence

    Adam has now moved on, but we were lucky to have him for a time working as Carbon Manager for our estate. His role involved delivering our Carbon Management Plan in contribution to Scottish Government emission targets. This included carbon reduction delivery methods, data capture and analysis, staff engagement and supporting our wider sustainability agenda.

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    Adele Shaw

    Adele works within our Heritage Directorate as a Deputy Head of Casework. Her role involves giving advice to the Scottish Government on their policies and strategies. She is a town planner and she also works with her team providing advice to decision-makers and developers on planning applications, with a focus on Environmental Impact Assessments.

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    Adrian Cox

    Adrian is an archaeologist with over 30 years’ experience of directing excavations, managing post-excavation analysis and delivering outreach programmes. From 2005 he worked for Historic Environment Scotland, latterly in our Cultural Resources Team, but in 2021 he left for pastures new – we wish him all the best!

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    Aimee Bertram

    Aimee worked in our marketing department focusing on events and all the fabulous properties in the south of Scotland. She has now moved on to pastures new.

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    Alasdair Campbell

    Alasdair works as an Interpretation Officer at Historic Environment Scotland, helping to tell stories about Scotland's past through exhibitions and interpretation you see when you visit our many sites.

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  • Alea Ibrahim

    Alea works as a Digital Content Officer as part of the Digital Team. She's pretty sure she has lucked out on the dream job front! Who wouldn't love sharing the stories of Scotland's fascinating past on social media every day?

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    Alex Adamson

    Alex Adamson is the Deputy Head of Survey and Recording and leads the Data Management Team. He and his team work on some of our existing websites, such as Canmore, PastMap and HLA, and on ways to make our great treasure trove of data about the historic environment as easy to find and understand as possible.

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    Alex Hale

    Alex is an archaeologist in Survey and Recording, Heritage Directorate. He specialises in the archaeology of the intertidal zone and the archaeology of graffiti!

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    Alex Paterson

    Alex Paterson is the Chief Executive of Historic Environment Scotland. He has been in this role since September 2016.

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    Ali George

    Ali works in our Digital Team coordinating our social media and blog content. She enjoys helping our expert staff across the country tell their stories in new and interesting ways.

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    Ali McCaig

    Ali McCaig is Measured Survey Projects Manager within the Landscape Archaeology team. Her job involves discovering, interpreting, surveying, and illustrating a wide range of archaeological sites and landscapes across Scotland.

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    Alison Turnbull

    Alison is our Director of Development and Partnership, part of the Senior Management Team at HES. Her role focuses on implementing developing corporate initiatives, including helping deliver Our Place in Time, the strategy for the historic environment of Scotland. She is heading up the cross organisation team who are developing the new Corporate plan.

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    Allan Rutherford

    Allan works in the Heritage Directorate dealing with designation work relating to Scotland’s nationally important archaeological sites and ancient monuments. Allan’s interest in Scotland’s heritage began through his study of medieval castles but now encompasses everything from Mesolithic shell middens to Second World War anti-invasion defences.

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    Allan Williams

    Allan has led the growth and development of the National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) since 2001. The official custodian of aerial imagery declassified and released by the UK Ministry of Defence and British Government agencies, NCAP holds more than 30 million aerial images that date from the 1920s to the early 21st Century. Allan holds a PhD in Intelligence Studies from the University of Edinburgh on the role of Photographic Intelligence during the Second World War.

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    Andreas Buchholz

    Andreas works as a Senior GIS Service Developer as part of the Development team within IT. He develops, supports and maintains HES enterprise GIS technologies. These technologies provide desktop and web based services to HES colleagues and external partners.

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    Andrew Burnet

    Andrew Burnet is an Interpretation Manager at Historic Environment Scotland. He manages the Official Souvenir Guide series and has taken a lead on interpretation projects at Broch of Gurness, the Bishop’s and Earl’s Palace, Kirkwall and Dundrennan Abbey, as well as a new exhibition at Arbroath Abbey to mark the 700th anniversary of the Declaration.

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    Andrew James

    Andrew James is a Learning Manager at HES. He joined HES after studying for an MPhil at Glasgow School of Art, and has a wide range of experience in museums and education. His role entails providing learning opportunities and programmes using our properties, our archives and the wider historic environment.

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    Audrey Jones

    Audrey was our Head of Hospitality and Events and has now retired. She also looked after delivering ‘History Live’ - a celebration of the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology culminating in a Stirling-based festival at the end of September. Audrey has previously worked at Stirling Castle, VisitScotland, Kyles on Scotland and the Edinburgh Playhouse and is also an STGA blue badge guide.

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    Barbara Cummins

    Now retired, Barbara Cummins was the previous Director of Heritage for Historic Environment Scotland.

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    Bryony Donnelly

    Bryony works within the Communications and Media team as a Senior Digital Officer, sharing the stories about Scotland's historic environment and finding ways to bring the past to life through new technology.

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    Callum Watson

    Callum is a Steward at Blackness Castle. He has a PhD in Scottish medieval history, looking at knighthood in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Scotland. He served as a historical advisor on Outlaw King, and appeared in the BBC documentary Rise of the Clans.

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    Carine Rommes

    Carine Rommes works as a Steward at Blackness Castle and spends her spare time researching the castle’s fascinating history (with a particular emphasis on its prisoners).

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    Catherine Middleton

    Catherine works in the Heritage Management Directorate dealing with casework relating to Scotland’s nationally important gardens and designed landscapes. Outside of work, she is a keen gardener and walker.

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    Catherine Mylles

    Catherine is responsible for the digitisation of historical aerial imagery to service commercial orders. She joined us in 2015, after completing a Masters Degree in Landscape and Environment History at the University of Edinburgh.

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    Chiara Montani

    Chiara Montani trained and worked in Collections and Loans Management at HES for a period, taking a lead role in a project to catalogue, curate and digitise the HES numismatic collection. Her work has enabled recognition of this collection in the Money and Medals National Network and publish the collection online. Her research interests include the Stuart dynasty, the Jacobean history and the Victorian period with a particular attention to portraiture, fine art and material culture.

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    Chloe Allan

    Chloe works as a Collections Manager in Historic Environment Scotland’s Collections and Applied Conservation Team. Together, the team manages the 41,000 objects in our care.

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  • Chloe Woodsford

    Chloe is the HLM Engagement Coordinator at Historic Environment Scotland and works within the Corporate Communications team to engage with visitors and stakeholders on all things high-level masonry related.

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    Chris Droog

    Chris is a Marketing Executive with Historic Environment Scotland, working with the Membership Team whilst also promoting properties in the North of Scotland. He is interested in exploring how different technologies can be used to build and enhance the membership experience

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    Chris Upton

    Chris works as a Collections Management Trainee in Historic Environment Scotland’s Collections and Applied Conservation Team, learning to manage the 41,000 objects in our care.

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    Christina Gilfedder

    Christina works as a Digital Officer within Historic Environment Scotland's Communications and Media team. She has worked in the digital sector for over 15 years and studied Archaeology at the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2015. Christina loves using her expertise to bring the past and future together through digital technology.

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    Christine Wilson

    Christine Wilson is Publications Officer at HES. Through our books we are telling the stories of Scotland – exploring ideas and starting conversations about the past, present and future of our nation’s history and heritage.

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    Clare Torney

    Clare works within our Conservation Directorate as Head of Analytics, Reporting and Audit. Her role involves implementing new processes to improve national consistency and operational efficiency, and to provide the analytical overview to inform decision-making and planning for the future. Clare works to ensure we can accurately report on the work we do in a transparent manner; she is responsible for the delivery of our Annual Report on the Properties in the Care of Scottish Ministers.

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    Colin Muir

    Colin works as a specialist Stone Conservator within Historic Environment Scotland’s Conservation team; conserving, recording and replicating our carved stone heritage.

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    Craig Mearns

    Craig Mearns is our first Director of Operations. Leading a team of around 800 HES colleagues across Scotland, he’s responsible for the operational delivery of all the activity on our sites and much of the day-to-day activity we do in local communities.

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    Daisy Wright

    Daisy started with Historic Environment Scotland in August 2017 and works at Direlton gardens as an apprentice gardener. She attends Scotland's Rural College Oatridge part time, studying towards a horticulture qualification. Daisy has a keen interest in nature and conservation after completing her degree in animal behaviour and ecology and conservation.

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    Dalton Weir

    Dalton was formerly a Digital Project Officer on the Historic Environment Scotland digital team. He has a passionate love and appreciation for world history and is primarily interested in ancient cultures and societies and their development of technology.

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    Danielle Dray

    Danielle is training to be a Collections Manager as an intern with our HES collections team. She comes from a museum background, and has a particular interest in medical and social history.

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    David Harkin

    David works within our Conservation Directorate, looking in detail at the impacts climate change will have on our properties, and the wider historic environment.

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    David Mitchell

    David joined our organisation in 2002. He became Director of Conservation in 2008. He has a particular interest in industrial heritage and the Scottish architectural iron founding industry.

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    Deirdre Cameron

    Deirdre joined Historic Environment Scotland a frighteningly long time ago when it was the Historic Buildings and Monuments division of the Scottish Office. These days, she is a Senior Casework Officer in the Heritage Directorate where she deals with monuments casework. Her claim to heritage fame is undertaking the first (intentional) fully submerged underwater site inspection by a member of HES staff.

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    Donna Laidlaw

    Donna works in the Digital Team and looks after our websites, making sure they are kept up-to-date. She's also managed several projects, including the new Edinburgh Castle website.

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    Dr Diane Watters

    Dr Diane Watters is an architectural historian, author, and buildings survey project manager. Her survey-based publications include: Little Houses (2006); Homebuilders (2015); St Peter’s, Cardross: Birth, Death and Renewal (HES, 2016), and Scotland’s Historic Schools (online, HES, from 2021).

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    Dr Mary MacLeod Rivett

    Mary works with our Environmental Assessment & Advice Team, providing advice to applicants, planning authorities & Scottish Government on large-scale developments that require Environmental Impact Assessments. She has a particular interest in agricultural policy and land management, as she's been a crofter for 25 years.

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    Duncan Ainslie

    Duncan used to work with us supporting to Estates team of the Conservation Directorate. With a background in History, he enjoyed learning about the significance of our properties and the stories we’re able to perpetuate through our conservation work - but he's now moved on for new adventures.

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    Eira Ihalainen

    Eira works as a monument steward and will never shut up about the Picts or medieval Scotland.

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    Eleanor Mitchell

    Eleanor works as Sustainability Officer within our Conservation Directorate. Her role involves raising awareness of our Climate Change projects and is involved in waste minimisation and improved resource use in the organisation.

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    Elizabeth Hepher

    Elizabeth Hepher ACR is part of the paper conservation team at Historic Environment Scotland. She has worked with the collection for over ten years and loves all things paper.

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    Elizabeth McCrone

    Elizabeth is our Director of Heritage. She has over 20 years experience in the sector, including as our former Head of Designations.

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    Emma Brown

    Emma Brown works as the Communications Officer in HES’s Scotland’s Urban Past project, sharing the stories of the project and the histories they are discovering in their work.

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    Erin Fowler

    Erin works with Historic Environment Scotland as a Heritage Policy Officer in the World Heritage and Heritage Policy Service.

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    Ewan Hyslop

    Dr Ewan Hyslop is Head of Research and Climate Change at Historic Environment Scotland, where he oversees technical research into the historic environment in digital documentation and innovation, heritage science, carbon and net zero, cultural significance, and oversees the agency’s climate change programme. Ewan is founding co-chair of the international Climate Heritage Network and chair of the Climate Change Working Group under the Scottish Government’s Strategy for the Historic Environment.

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    Fin Cunningham

    Fin works as a Marketing Executive within Historic Environment Scotland’s marketing team. When he’s not working across the online shop or corporate events, he’s helping out on projects that need a bit of marketing knowhow, or planning his next castle visit.

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    Fiona Davidson

    Fiona is a Learning Officer in Historic Environment Scotland’s Learning & Inclusion Team, developing and delivering projects across a number of PICs for a wide range of audiences. She joined HES in 2007 as Learning Officer for Stanley Mills.

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    Fiona Fleming

    Fiona works in our Interpretation team and loves telling the stories of our properties in care. Her favourite site changes with every new project but she has a particular soft spot for medieval castles and cathedrals.

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    Gavin Glencorse

    Gav works in our Interpretation team, helping to tell the stories of our properties using words, sound and digital. Fondness for noise, found sounds and urban exploration, especially crawling around anything Cold War related.

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    Gemma Lubbock

    Gemma Lubbock works as a Roving Steward for Historic Environment Scotland. When she isn’t working in fantastic castles and amazing abbeys, she is reading and writing books, having just self-published her first novel Dancing in the Mists of Time and riding about the countryside on a gypsy cob.

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    Genna Bard

    Genna Bard works in the World Heritage & Heritage Policy team focusing on community collaboration, equalities network co-ordination and editing our heritage newsletter, Lintel. They come from a creative arts background in theatre and are currently writing a supernatural horror novella set in the Belle-Vue Hotel at the turn of the 20th century.

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    George Geddes

    George is a member of our Archaeological Survey team. He takes part in landscape and site surveys all over Scotland, and produces material for the National Record of the Historic Environment. George is currently working on the hillforts and settlements at Traprain and North Berwick Laws, East Lothian, and on the archaeological mapping of the island of Arran. In each case, 3D models are helping in the interpretation and recording of complex archaeological landscapes.

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    Georgie Ritchie

    Georgie is an Assistant Cultural Resources Advisor, providing historical and archaeological research services related to our Properties in Care.

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    Gillian Conabeer

    Gilly works as a Collections Manager for the Edinburgh region within Historic Environment Scotland’s Collections and Applied Conservation Team, helping to look after the 41000 objects in our care.

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    Gordon Smith

    Gordon is an Assistant Ranger, based at Holyrood Park. Whether at work or in free time he enjoys exploring the great outdoors.

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    Graham Briggs

    Graham Briggs is our Project Manager for Skills and Materials.

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    Guest Blog

    From time to time we have guest posts from partners, visitors and friends of Historic Environment Scotland.

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    Hannah Brown

    Hannah is an Interpretation Officer for Historic Environment Scotland, helping to tell stories about Scotland’s past at our many sites.

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    Hannah Reid

    Hannah is our Marketing Coordinator at Historic Environment Scotland, creating various marketing material and works closely with the Marketing Executives on campaigns.

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    Hazel Johnson

    Hazel works in the Heritage Designations Team. She also has extensive policy, climate change, conservation and outreach experience.

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    Helen Foster

    Helen has now moved on, but in her time with us she delivered learning and engagement activity for our Scran service alongside undertaking a practice-led PhD in Creative Writing.

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    Hugh Morrison

    Hugh was our Collections Registrar at Historic Environment Scotland for a number of years, joining in 2004 to work on a wide range of collections projects. He has now moved on to pastures new.

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    Iain Anderson

    Iain Anderson is the Deputy Head of Survey and Recording and leads the team that go out and about recording the nation’s buildings and industry. He’s interested in what we need to record from the last few decades for users of the National Record in many years to come.

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    Iram Safdar

    Iram works as an Archivist within Historic Environment Scotland’s Archives department. Working in the Digital Projects team, Iram helps to open up HES’s invisible archives through digital archive processing and digitisation, to ensure Scotland’s archaeological and architectural history is as accessible as possible.

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    Jackie Sangster

    Jackie Sangster is a Learning Manager with the Learning & Inclusion team at HES – working across Scotland to bring people of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to discover, understand, and be inspired by our historic environment. Mostly Jackie works with digital archive material from Scran.ac.uk as well as other HES archives, such as Canmore. She endeavours to make engagement with school and community groups as creative as possible, allowing people to explore heritage in a meaningful and enjoyable way.

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    James Crawford

    James Crawford has moved on to pastures new, but until 2019 he was our Publishing Manager. He has researched Scotland’s National Collection of Aerial Photography and has written a number of books on it, including Above Scotland, Scotland's Landscapes, and Aerofilms: A History of Britain from Above. He is also the author of Fallen Glory: The Lives and Deaths of the World’s Greatest Lost Buildings, shortlisted for the 2016 Saltire Non-Fiction Book of the Year Award, and is Chair of the Board of Publishing Scotland. Scotland from the Sky is his first series for the BBC as writer and presenter.

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    James Hepher

    James is our Rae Project Senior Digital Documentation Officer. During his career he has worked with the National Trust for Scotland, the Forestry Commission, National Museums of Scotland and the Ministry of Defence estate on a wide range of built heritage and archaeological projects, documenting everything from Bronze Age burials to Second World War bunkers.

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  • James Macivor

    James Macivor works in the front of house team at Stirling Castle. He has a degree in history from the University of Stirling and runs a Twitter account on Scotland’s History.

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    Jane Thomas

    Jane Thomas is Research and Exhibitions Manager in the Marketing and Engagement Directorate. She joined the National Monuments Record of Scotland in 1989 and worked for many years curating our historic material and bringing in important collections of architect’s papers, such as those of Basil Spence. Jane now works with colleagues across HES and beyond to share our amazing resources for everyone to enjoy.

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    Jeff Meek

    Jeff Meek is a lecturer in Economic and Social History at the University of Glasgow. He is the author of 'Queer Trades, Sex and Society: Male Prostitution and the War on Homosexuality in Interwar Scotland' and 'Queer Voices in Post-War Scotland: Male Homosexuality, Religion and Society'.

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    Jennifer Roxburgh

    Jennifer works in our Interpretation Unit, writing and developing the interpretation and exhibitions you see when you visit Historic Scotland sites.

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    Jennifer Storrie

    Jennifer is one of our Grants Team Leaders and has recently helped to deliver a review and refresh of our grant programmes. Based in Edinburgh, Jennifer has worked at HES for 20 years.

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    Jess Lydon

    Jess can usually be found in Glasgow Cathedral where she works as a Steward. Recently, she’s been researching women in Scotland’s history, the discrimination they faced, and the extraordinary lives they led. Jess has recently been getting more involved with community work.

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    Jill van Millingen

    Jill works in the Collections Unit and is responsible for the care of objects associated with properties in south-east Scotland. This includes documentation, collections care, research, displays and exhibitions and risk management. She is based in Edinburgh, but spends a lot of time out and about at the properties in care.

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    Joe Waterfield

    Joe works as an Archivist in the Archives department of the Cultural Assets Directorate. He helps people access material in the collections, and also licenses fascinating images from the HES archives for use in publications, exhibitions, and more.

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    Judith Anderson

    Judith is part of the Cultural Resources Team based in Longmore House. She works with a variety of in-house and external experts to update the Statements of Significance for HES Properties in Care. The Statements try to capture the many different reasons why these places are important, and help to guide their management and interpretation. You can find them on our website.

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    Julia Haase

    Julia is one of our Marketing Executives at Historic Environment Scotland, working mainly with Stirling Castle and other historical sites in central Scotland. She also runs various marketing campaigns throughout the year.

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    Julia Morrison

    Julia works in our Digital Team coordinating our social media and blog content. She wishes there were more hours in the day to explore Scotland's fascinating history and heritage!

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    Julie Candy

    Julie works within our Heritage Directorate as a Senior Designations Officer. Her role involves assessing sites for designation, with a particular focus on the Inventory of gardens and designed landscapes.

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    Kara ter Morsche

    Kara ter Morsche was one of our marketing executives, working mainly with our national events programme and Historic Scotland properties in the South. She's now moved on from HES.

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    Karen Robertson

    Karen Robertson is Senior Research Manager at Historic Environment Scotland. Karen manages Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit (SHEA). She is interested in improving our understanding of the state of Scotland’s heritage and in finding new ways to demonstrate how it benefits to our well-being.

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    Karen Soutar

    Karen works at Doune Castle as a Steward and as Education Liaison. She is a writer and blogger, and has just achieved a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing with the Open University. Her favourite topics are castles, cats, and anything creepy or spooky.

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    Kathryn Berry

    Kathryn is spending the summer of 2024 as an intern at Historic Environment Scotland, working on the relaunch of the Commemorative Plaque Scheme. With a background in History, she is always keen to learn more about the people who shaped Scotland.

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    Kathryn Milligan

    Kat Milligan is a seasonal steward at Threave Castle, an avid historical reenactor and a forager running "Wild Kat Foraging" in her spare time

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    Katie Carter

    Katie works in the Climate Change Team as our Circular Economy Project Officer. She is responsible for coordinating our transition to a circular economic model. Her main work areas are waste reduction and management, sustainable procurement, resource efficiency and encouraging innovation.

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    Keith Potts

    Keith joined HES as an Assistant Ranger in May 2015 and is based at Holyrood Park. He enjoys the outdoors and the huge variety of tasks involved in the job ensure that every day is interesting and different. In his spare time, Keith enjoys reading and running – with particular favourites being the paths and trails in the Pentland Hills and – of course – Holyrood Park.

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    Kenny Steven

    Kenny works as Head Gardener and Works Manager of the Holyrood Park and Gardens Team within the Conservation Directorate of HES

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    Kevin Grant

    Kevin Grant is an Archaeology Officer with our Archaeology and World Heritage Team. He was previously the St Kilda Archaeologist for the National Trust for Scotland. He received his PhD in Archaeology from the University of Glasgow in 2016, where he studied the communities and landscapes of the Western Isles in the early 19th century.

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    Kim Harsley

    Kim Harsley is an archivist, managing the Digitisation Project. When she's not thinking about old things she's probably taking photographs of her guinea pigs.

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    Kyle Armstrong

    Kyle studied Archaeology with Architectural History at university and is now part of the Designations Team at HES. Kyle focuses mostly on the designation of scheduled monuments, but also works with listed buildings, gardens, designed landscapes and battlefields. Any little bit of Scottish archaeology or architectural history will grab Kyle's attention, especially Iron Age enclosed and defended sites.

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    Laura Brown

    Laura works at Edinburgh Castle and has previously held roles in our Membership team and at Edinburgh's "other" castle, Craigmillar. She is fascinated by Scottish history, and especially the Medieval and Renaissance periods. Her must-see sites include Blackness Castle and Dryburgh Abbey.

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    Laura Gray

    Laura works in the events team helping to deliver incredible events such as Spectacular Jousting and The Rock of Ages, to name but a few. Blogging to help deliver an insight into the life of an event organiser and tricks of the trade.

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    Laura Harrison

    Laura is a Cultural Resources Advisor, providing historical and archaeological research and advice on our Properties in Care and contributing to interpretation projects.

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    Laura Hindmarch

    Laura has moved on to pastures new, but she used to be our Archaeology and World Heritage Manager. She has spent many years working in archaeology and the wider historic environment, and loves going out onto sites we fund to find out what's happening, making sure we live up to our aim of making sure Scotland’s archaeology is for everyone!

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    Laura Mackenzie

    Laura works in the Archaeology and World Heritage Team. She has visited thirty five World Heritage Sites and counting, mostly for pleasure but occasionally for work as well. These include sites in Scotland, North Africa, Thailand, Libya and Iran. The only Scottish World Heritage Site she has not visited yet is St. Kilda. When not planning to add to this list she supports her team with their work and is responsible for organising World Heritage promotion, meetings and events including World Heritage Day.

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    Laura Masterton

    Laura worked in the public services team answering questions on our archives and supplying images for everything from family history research to biscuit tins. She has now left HES.

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    Laurie Risk

    Laurie began working for HES as an Admissions Assistant at Stirling Castle (further back than she wants to think about) and is now part of the Communications team at Longmore House. Part of Laurie’s role involves organising filming that promotes the work of HES and the wonderful collection of sites in our care. Laurie’s favourite site by far is Skara Brae

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    Louise Kelly

    Louise works as Sustainability Officer within the Climate Change Team, she coordinates our network of Green Champions, who promote sustainability across the organisation.

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    Lucy Rodger

    Lucy works as a monument steward in the Central and Fife regions. She has a fondness for the Stewart monarchs and enjoys talking to visitors about the history of the sites she's working at.

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    Lucy Vaughan

    Lucy Vaughan is our Head of Conservation for the North of Scotland. As an accredited conservation architect, Lucy has a keen interest in architecture, design and craft skills and enjoys working closely with our local communities.

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    Lydia Housley

    Lydia works as a Learning Assistant at Edinburgh Castle; she helps school and community groups get the most out of their visits to our amazing site. She loves discovering exciting and unexpected things about Scotland’s past and sharing them with others!

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    Lyn Wilson

    Lyn leads our Digital Documentation Team and coordinates the Rae Project. She has a PhD in Heritage Science from the University of Bradford. Based at the Engine Shed within our Conservation Directorate, she is passionate about the use of science and technology to help us look after and share our historic environment.

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    Lynn Teggart

    Lynn Teggart is a Paper Conservator for Historic Environment Scotland working within the Archive Team to conserve, enable access and preserve the nationally important archival collections.

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    Lynsey Haworth

    Lynsey is the Collections Access Manager in our collections team. She is responsible for ensuring the artefacts we care for are made as widely available as possible for the public to enjoy. This includes managing the content of the HES collections web pages, running the team's pop-up museum, and overseeing student placements within the team.

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    Łukasz Banaszek

    Łukasz is Senior Archaeological Survey Manager who specializes in the collection, processing, analysis, and interpretation of remote sensing data. His work with our Heritage Recording and Archaeology team is focused on using these techniques to improve our understanding of the past, as well as the current condition of our global heritage. His skills in remote sensing have been instrumental in preserving and protecting our cultural and historical heritage, ensuring that it can be appreciated and enjoyed by future generations.

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    Mar Roigé Oliver

    Mar is our Skills Development Co-ordinator. In her role, she helps to coordinate, monitor and report on the Skills Investment Plan, as well as help maintain our key relationships across Scotland with employers, heritage organisations, skills bodies and charities. She is currently involved in a few projects looking to improve access to people to the heritage workforce and promote the sector to young people.

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    Maria Saez-Martinez

    Maria is a Conservation Architect with a background in Building Engineering and Energy and Environmental Engineering. She joined the Technical Conservation Team as an intern in September 2016. She researches and gathers information on the remaining earth built and earth-mortared buildings in Scotland.

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    Mark Watson

    Mark Watson is part of our Industrial Heritage team. He is also UK rep for TICCIH -The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage-, convenor of IHBC Scotland Branch, and a historian interested in regeneration, adaptive re-use, engineering, world heritage, European and Scottish industrial heritage.

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    Mathew Reilly

    Mathew works as an Historic Buildings Adviser within our Planning, Consents and Advice Team, where he responds to consultations from Local Authorities on works/changes/alterations to listed buildings within the planning system, as well as pre-application advice and other outreach work.

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    Matt Cartney

    Matt is a photographer, videographer and UAV pilot creating promotional imagery for HES, helping to tell the visual story of Scotland’s historic environment.

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    Matt McCabe

    Matt is an Interpretation Ranger based in Edinburgh who enjoys protecting the wildlife of the park and educating people about what a special place Holyrood Park is. He says that there are few greater joys than being up high a looking down on a kestrel hovering below (unless you’re a mouse that is!).

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    Maya Hoole

    Maya works as a Heritage Data Project Manager in a team who focuses on information about the historic environment. She is especially keen to engage people in the rich and varied narratives of Scotland’s past. In her free time she can be found wandering amongst standing stones, gazing at prehistoric rock art or reading about ancient burials.

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    Melissa Viguier

    Melissa works as a Ranger at Holyrood Park. She really enjoys the fresh air, and incredible variety of tasks in the job. In her spare time she runs a charity working on Ancient Craft and Ancient Farming projects.

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    Miles Oglethorpe

    Miles Oglethorpe is Head of Industrial Heritage at Historic Environment Scotland, and has been involved with the Forth Bridge since just prior to its centenary in 1990.

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    Morvern French

    Morvern works in our Interpretation Team, helping visitors to understand and connect with the historic sites we care for. She has a particular interest in medieval and early modern history, women’s history and material culture.

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    Dr Moses Jenkins is Senior Technical Officer with our Technical Research team. He studied history at Stirling and Glasgow universities, and recently completed a PhD in traditional brickwork at Dundee University.

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    Neil Gregory

    Neil is the Deputy Head of Engagement in the Heritage Directorate. He’s previously managed our teams that go out and about recording the nation’s buildings and industries. He’s also led projects cataloguing Scottish architects’ papers, unearthing all sorts of treasures in the process.

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    Niamh Crimmins

    Niamh studied Architectural Conservation at university and now works as a Designations Officer, working specifically with listed buildings. She joined HES as a Skills for the Future Trainee Heritage Officer and has also worked in the Archive and Buildings at Risk Register teams.

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    Nicki Hall

    Nicki Hall is a Senior Casework Officer within Heritage Directorate and has been working at HES for over 11 years. She studied archaeology and is particularly interested in prehistoric ritual monuments and landscapes

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    Nicki Scott

    Nicki is a cultural resources advisor with our Cultural and Natural Resources team. A historian by trade, Nicki mainly gives historical advice relating to our Historic Scotland properties.

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    Olivia Devine

    Olivia Devine is one of our marketing executives, working mainly with Edinburgh Castle and Historic Scotland properties in the North.

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    Patricia Weeks

    Patricia Weeks is the Deputy Head of World Heritage: Antonine Wall Co-ordinator. She has worked as a museum archaeologist, education officer and in various roles within HES, and is currently Project Manager for the Advanced Limes Application Project that created the digital models.

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    Peigi MacKillop

    Peigi MacKillop is a Web Projects Manager in our Information Systems team. Her interests include usability testing and user experience. She also has an enthusiasm for life in the Outer Hebrides, particularly in the lives people led in Black Houses, and runs a small Gaelic lunch club at John Sinclair House.

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    Peter McGrath

    Peter McGrath, a former police officer, is the Head of Physical Security for Historic Environment Scotland. Peter is engaged in a range of activity including raising awareness of terror related threat, harm reduction for staff and visitors, combatting heritage crime, tackling the impact of anti-social behaviour and improving site security.

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    Peter McKeague

    Peter works within Survey and Recording in the Data Management Team as Spatial Information Manager. With a background in field survey and data management, he champions the use of digital technologies to improve how we collect and index information so that it is easy to find, understand and reuse.

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    Philip Robertson

    Philip works within our Heritage Directorate as a Deputy Head of Designations. His role involves giving advice to the Scottish Government on marine heritage. He also works with his team on researching historic battlefields and gardens and designed landscapes.

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    Puravi Kumar

    Puravi is the Survey and Recording Graduate Trainee within the Architecture and Industry team. Her role involves investigating various sites and buildings around Scotland to understand their background and history. Puravi’s interests include learning about communities and their relationship with the historic environment and more recent histories such as the South Asian communities in Scotland.

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  • Rachael Bowen

    Rachael works as a Designations Officer within the Heritage Directorate. She has master’s degrees in Heritage Management and History and has spent the last 10 years working in a number of wacky and wonderful heritage sites. She is happiest looking at maps and buried in books.

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    Rachael Dunn

    Rachael is one of our Marketing Executives, working mainly with our national events programme and Historic Scotland properties in the South. She also runs various marketing campaigns throughout the year.

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    Rachel Nicholson

    Rachel is the World Heritage Officer within Historic Environment Scotland’s World Heritage and Heritage Policy team, supporting the management, protection and engagement with Scotland’s six amazing World Heritage Sites.

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    Rachel Pickering

    Rachel Pickering works in the Cultural Resources Team. As Senior Cultural Resources Advisor she is responsible for providing archaeological and historical advice on Historic Environment Properties in the North and Edinburgh regions. This includes managing research projects, advising on archaeological matters relating to the sites in care, and contributing to interpretation projects.

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    Rebecca Bailey

    Rebecca is our Head of Education and Outreach. She specializes in Architectural History, and has a wide range of fundraising, project development and education experience. She is also President of the International Confederation of Architectural Museums.

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    Rebecca Bain

    Rebecca Bain is a Grants Manager within the External Relations and Partnerships team. Previously she has worked within Climate Change and Technical Research and is a former Guide at Edinburgh castle.

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    Rebecca Jones

    Rebecca is our Head of Archaeology and World Heritage. She has a PhD in Roman Scotland from the University of Glasgow and her research interests focus on Roman camps and Roman frontiers. She is co-Chair of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies.

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    Reed Hudson

    Reed joined HES in 2022 as a Senior Metals Conservator. In this role she gets to spend all of her time researching and conserving metal objects big and small from all over Scotland, which she’s pretty sure is the coolest job in the world.

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    Richard Strachan

    Richard has been working in archaeology for over 25 years and is our Senior Archaeologist. He heads up the Cultural and Natural Resources team and manages all the archaeological works to the properties in care.

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    Richard Taylor

    Richard works as a Digital Officer within Historic Environment Scotland's Communications and Media team, where he works to help people discover more about Scotland's incredible buildings, monuments and stories.

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    Richard Welander

    Now retired, Richard Welander was our former Head of Collections at Historic Environment Scotland.

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    Robert Adam

    Robert is an aerial photographer in our Survey and Recording Team. He has been photographing Scotland from the skies for over 25 years. Although specialising in aerial photography, Robert also carries out photography for Architecture and Industry Survey and keeps up his skills in scanning and digitising in the Digital Imaging Department in John Sinclair House.

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    Robin Turner

    Robin Turner is an archaeologist and is Head of Survey & Recording at HES. After being told with great certainty there was no future in it, Robin has been a professional archaeologist for over 40 years, working in local government in England, for the National Trust for Scotland, and now in HES. Robin is the Chair of the UK Archaeology Training Forum.

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    Rory McDonald

    Rory McDonald is our Senior Designations Officer. He specialises in medieval archaeology, and outside of work he loves exploring new places.

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    Rosanne Watts

    Rosanne is a Senior Designations Officer in our Heritage Directorate. Her job includes assessing buildings for listing.

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    Rose Henderson

    Rose works within the Communications and Media Team as a Digital Officer. She helps share fascinating stories about Scotland’s built heritage, and helps maintain our websites and digital estate.

    Visit Rose Henderson's Profile Page
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    Rosie Thorp

    Rosie Thorp in an Archives Officer in the Digital Projects team. She has an interest in art, history and heritage, and holds an MSc in Museum Studies from the University of Glasgow.

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    Ruairidh Graham

    Ruairidh previously worked for HES as Gaelic Policy Officer. – B’ àbhaist dhaRuairidh a bhith os cionn poileasaidh na Gàidhlig aig ÀEA.View all posts by Ruairidh Graham

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    Ruby Smith

    Ruby Smith joined HES in 2018 as a trainee in Conservation for our Archive team. After spending 9 months in this role, she moved to spend some time with our Public Services team to focus on the Engagement aspect of her training. She will soon have qualified in Museum and Galleries Practice. Ruby shares her tales from her time in the archive and the tasks she encountered.

    Visit Ruby Smith's Profile Page
  • Russell Moran

    Russel is guide and steward at Stirling Castle. He previously worked as a steward at other sites including Inchcolm Abbey, Aberdour Castle and Dunfermline Abbey and Palace.

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    Ryan Gavan

    Ryan Gavan was previously the Archive Communications Officer for Historic Environment Scotland.

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    Sally Gall

    Sally works in the Interpretation Unit, and loves the writing and research involved in telling tales of the castles, abbeys, cairns and factories in our care – especially when this involves folklore and music.

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    Samuel Wilson

    Samuel works as a Digital Content Officer within Historic Environment Scotland's Communications and Media team, helping to tell stories about the organisation's work and share incredible tales from Scotland's past.

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    Sarah Connolly

    Sarah works within the Collections & Applied Conservation Team as the Regional Collections Manager caring for objects associated with HES properties in the north of Scotland.

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    Sean Gallen

    Sean is an HR Business Partner, working closely with all areas of HES to ensure they have the appropriate staff resources needed to undertake their interesting work. He is fascinated by the complexity and specialisms within the organisation, and is amazed at some of the career paths/opportunities available. He often visits sites, but with over 70 across the country doesn't get to as many as he would like!

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    Sian Evans

    Sian is the Islands and World Heritage Visitor Services Manager, based at Skara Brae, and whose role includes supporting site teams at our staffed properties on Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles which includes sites spanning Neolithic to Modern.

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    Simon Green

    Simon Green is an architectural historian in our Survey & Recording Team. He manages the Buildings at Risk Register and is passionate about Scotland’s buildings. Over the last 30 years he has published and lectured widely on numerous aspects of the historic environment.

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  • Simon Montgomery

    Simon is Senior Technical Officer working with Historic Environment Scotland's Technical Research Team.

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    Sofia Antonopoulou

    Sofia has now moved on, but she used to work with our Digital Documentation team, focusing on the use of digital technologies to document heritage sites and objects.

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    Sophia Mirashrafi

    Sophia Mirashrafi is a Senior Digital Innovation Officer on the Digital Documentation and Innovation team based at the Engine Shed in Stirling. She is interested in exploring how digital innovation can be used to tell new stories about our heritage.

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    Stefan Sagrott

    Stefan is one of our Senior Cultural Resources Advisors; his work contributes towards developing greater understanding of, and the management and conservation of the HES estate and its cultural significance. His job necessitates him having a broad range of research interests across many periods.

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    Steven Robb

    Steven works in the Planning, Consents & Advice Team within the Heritage Directorate. His team provides historic buildings advice, mainly to local authorities, for the eastern half of Scotland. The workload includes high-profile projects involving alterations to listed buildings and development within conservation areas, designed landscapes and world heritage sites. Steven has recently published works on Edinburgh’s early council housing from the late nineteenth century to the second world war. He also writes on the later Jacobite period, including Episcopalian and English nonjuring.

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    Susan Hallsworth

    Susan Hallsworth is the Business Development Manager for NCAP. Responsible for creating and managing partnerships with a range of educational institutes, businesses, agencies, Susan works with organisations within the UK and internationally

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  • Talie Cleverly

    Talie works as a Digital Content Officer, helping to share Scotland's vast histories. When she's not doing this, she can usually be found exploring local landscapes by foot!

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    Tom Parnell

    Tom Parnell is a Senior Casework Officer with the Heritage Directorate.

    Visit Tom Parnell's Profile Page
  • Tricia McKeown

    Tricia is part of our guiding team at Stirling Castle, helping to bring the many stories and characters from the castle's past to life.

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    Urszula Szupszynska

    Urszula works in the Planning and Advice Team. She provides advice on planning applications requiring Environmental Impact Assessment, such as wind farm proposals or housing developments, where they can impact on nearby heritage assets. She also advises on historic environment policy and land allocations that form part of Local Development Plans.

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    Vanessa Glindmeier

    Vanessa is our Responsible Tourism Coordinator. In her role, she supports the organisation in the transformation of our business model to reflect the principles of Responsible Tourism. Vanessa studied Modern Languages, and Cultures, and Economics (BA) over in Germany, and Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management (MSc) at Edinburgh Napier University. Tthe latter has paved the path for her to join HES and work to care for our historic environment.

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    Wendy Malkin

    Wendy works in our Conservation Directorate, and her role involves developing the public events and exhibition programme at the Engine Shed, Scotland's Building Conservation Centre.

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